Cleo Kuk
Hi, my name is Cleo! I currently am a first year undergraduate student studying Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. I'm hoping to continue my career in academia and participate in research in cosmology/astronomy. My hobbies include working out, reading, listening to music, and eating good food with my friends.
I truly understand the significance of having a skilled and passionate teacher. I hope that I can be this teacher to your child and aid them to reach their fullest potential!
스크리블리에서 더 많은 선생님을 만나보세요!
(주) 스크리블리 대표 민요셉 l 개인정보관리책임자 민요셉 l 사업자등록번호 530 87 02252 l 통신판매업 신고 2022-서울서초-1595 ㅣ 대표 전화 010 6443 7333 서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 107길 21 대능빌딩 2층 Guiding the little ones to the top❤️.
Cleo Kuk
Hi, my name is Cleo! I currently am a first year undergraduate student studying Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. I'm hoping to continue my career in academia and participate in research in cosmology/astronomy. My hobbies include working out, reading, listening to music, and eating good food with my friends.
I truly understand the significance of having a skilled and passionate teacher. I hope that I can be this teacher to your child and aid them to reach their fullest potential!
스크리블리에서 더 많은 선생님을 만나보세요!